Tuesday 27 May 2014

Let's start a pussy riot!

So, I decided to create my own expressive piece in response to the New Venus event I attended in Brixton.

My piece looks at the negative labels people put on women in society, of which include adjectives such as; weak, manipulative and dumb. (far right face)

These negative labels trigger our insecurities – they are a blanket of words blinding us from light: the goodness and positivity we all have.

I have juxtaposed these negative labels however, with the positive attributes women have – independence, courage, beauty. (far left face)

Once you find the strength to rip away the whispers and the preconceptions there is only one truth which remains.

To anyone who has ever felt not good enough, not worth someone’s time, and is left wondering.. have I done something wrong? What am I doing?!

The labels mean nothing because you are UNIQUE.
It’s about someone taking the time to get to know you. Not the labels, not the whispers. YOU.

Friday 9 May 2014

The 'New Venus'

On Saturday 3rd May, myself and Georgia travelled from grey lines to blue to Brixton to attend the New Venus event. We eventually turned up at the discretely hidden gallery space to a selection of art work hanging on the walls, a pungent smell of a rum and fruit punch in the air and staging and microphones being set up.

The event promoted ‘feminism’ and the modern woman. Acts of the Russian activists, now known as the 'pussy riot' inspired a writer to ask women around the world to start their own ‘pussy riot’ in the form of drawings, paintings, poems and stories. She then gathered these to create a book and promote their visions.

This small scale event acted as a channel for creativity and provided women the chance to express their views and opinions on the ‘New Venus’ – the women of our time.

A statement written beneath one of the exhibits describes the New Venus - ‘she follows her dreams, acts with power and dynamism treading her path to full realisation of her ambitions. She achieves, she facilitates creativity and completion.

I heard about the event from a friend who performed at the event. As always, Lauren Goodsmith took to the stage with confidence and grace, singing her acoustic songs beautifully. YOUTUBE her!

The event brought women together in a creative, expressive way. It highlighted the natural bond women share and how important these bonds are in supporting each other.